In this post, I will be discussing ecosystem services delivery at a specific African location. I have chosen to focus on the lake-wetland system at Lake Victoria basin, East Africa.
Lake Victoria is located in East Africa and its catchment area spans across 6 countries. It is the largest lake in Africa and the second largest freshwater body in the world. Lake Victoria covers an area of 69,000 km2 with its total catchment area spanning over 180,000 km2. Located in the upper reaches of the Nile River, the only outflow of Lake Victoria is the Victoria Nile river within the complex White Nile river basin. Formed 400,000 years ago, the lake is formed by structural uplift around the basin and is one of the Great Lakes of Africa.
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Ecosystem services
The Lake Victoria basin is characterized by a complex array of rivers, wetlands and satellite lakes which supports the livelihoods of over 25 million people and maintains hydrological balance of the Nile River system downstream. This interdependent relationship is a prime example of the balance between the different types of ecosystem services.
Population within the basin depends on rain-fed and flood recession agriculture from riparian wetlands and satellite lakes as well as hydroelectric power and commercial industry in and around the lake (Balirwa 2003). Products and provisioning services of wetlands are largely understood and extensively exploited by local communities. These services include flood recession cultivation, wetland fisheries, grazing land and potable water resources. This results in Lake Victoria being Africa's largest and most important inland fishery source. However, the regulating services within the basin are often poorly understood/managed and taken for granted (Kansiime 2007). A prime example of this is the water quality and buffer services provided by wetlands and satellite lakes. The presence of riparian wetlands around the lake determines transport characteristics of nutrients and sediments into the lake. Highly productive macrophytic vegetation in wetlands direct absorbs nutrients and filtrates any undesired releases into the lake. Wetlands also serves as a buffer for external impacts, increasing the ecological and hydrological resilience of the lake (Kassenga 1997).
Despite the high reliance on provisioning services and importance of regulatory services, management in the Lake Victoria basin can be characterized as being highly extractive for the past 50 years. Overfishing, demographic change, expansion of urban settlements and expansion of intensive agriculture since the 1970s are the major threats to the capabilities of freshwater ecosystems to deliver ecosystem services (Odada 2009). The fisheries industry at Lake Victoria had been subjected to the introduction of more productive fish species in the early 20th century. Overfishing, increased nutrient runoff and a 'fishing down' process driven by population growth and food demands led to the depletion of native cichlid populations and the domination of the introduced Nile perch in the 1980s (Bilirwa 2003). The introduced Nile perch dominated over the previously cichlid-dominated ecosystem, leading to the deterioration in services provided by cichlid-phytoplankton feedback loops which previously regulated oxygen depletion. This had led to both a collapse in the fishery industry and a reduction in regulatory services when deep changes in food web structures were revealed and no more economically viable fish stocks were available.
The high variety of ecosystem services delivered by the lake-wetland system also caused dramatic demographic change with population growth within the basin being significantly higher than the rest of Africa (Fig.1). This has led to increased conversion of riparian wetlands into urban settlements and agricultural land, resulting in the loss of wetland vegetation and functioning. Loss of regulatory services from wetlands led to the deterioration of water quality and increased eutrophic status of the main lake due to industrial nutrient runoff and urban discharge (Odada 2009). Knock-on impacts to human well-being were experienced due to to fact that water abstracted from the lake for direct consumption and industrial use often undergo little to no additional treatment.
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Fig 1 Changes in population density between 1970 and 1990 - large scale conversion of riparian wetlands to urban settlements |
The economic valuation of ecosystem services are integral to the ecosystem services concept which also reveals the nature and inevitability of trade-offs. Trade-offs occur when management choices changes the relative magnitude and type of ecosystem services provided. Ecosystem services delivery are often in conflict with the need to meet increasing demands and the need to maintain ecosystem biodiversity and functioning. Large loss of forests and gains in agricultural land in upland regions and the increase in vegetation production and loss of intact wetlands in the lowlands led to increased food production and food provisioning services but was succeeded by a simultaneous decline in other provisioning services and the majority of regulating services (Swallow 2009). Furthermore, the introduction of invasive Nile perch dramatically boosted economic activity of the area initially but led to the overfishing and the eventual demise of native biodiversity and the fishery industry (McCauley 2006).
Using a bio-economic model of the fishery industry including wetland-water quality interactions, Simonit and Perrings (2011) concluded that if wetlands in sub-basins were reduced by 60%, nutrient enrichment will lead to an expected loss of $1.98 mil USD/year and $216 USD per ha per year in fishery production. This reflects the inevitability of management decisions resulting in trade-offs among ES which may have varying economic implications. There should therefore be better monitored agricultural development along with informed and integrated water and land management practices in order to resolve conflict between development and ecosystem integrity.
Your posts are thoughtful, well illustrated and well referenced. You demonstrate excellent engagement with the literature. The summaries are a nice touch and help to maintain the 'thread' of your posts. Excellent work, keep it up!
ReplyDeleteNote: Lake Victoria is not likely to be 400 000 years old but it would be interesting to see where such an age was cited/proposed. Northward flow along the Nile is suspected to be less 100 000 years and there was a dry period ~ 25 000 years ago when lake discharge ceased.
ReplyDeleteHi Wilson, you mention that Lake Victoria is the most important inland fishery source and that there has been overfishing leading to a collapse in the fishing industry there. What future do you see for people who rely on fishing in Lake Victoria for their livelihoods? Are there any methods for sustainable fishing?
ReplyDeleteHi James, thank you for your comment! Overfishing, urbanization and deteriorating water quality was the main cause of the near-collapse of the fishing industry. The increased numbers of introduced Nile Perch to Lake Victoria in the 1940s have decimated native species but its value and abundance led to an explosion in fishery activities.
DeleteThere is therefore an urgent need for integrative water management schemes driven by the ecosystem services approach which recognises the 'hidden' services (water quality regulation, species refugia spaces etc.) provided by satellite lakes and shoreline wetlands. The reduction of sedimentation and erosion from buffer zones provided by the wetlands would increase general health of the Nile Perch.
Although it is impossible and economically devastating to completely remove the Nile Perch, plans have been made to reintroduce native species to maintain ecological integrity. Recovering and rehabilitating satellite lakes and wetlands from urban settlements will also provide refuge areas for native species and maintain overall ecological sustainability.